This page highlights a few projects of mine. One, I picked up from boi Gwen, Colors of Leather. The other two, are digitizing my collections of macho hypermasculine male magazines. My collection goes way beyond Drummer and Honcho, but those tend to be of the most interest to people that contact me.
Colors of Leather
A project created initially by boi Gwen Hardy, and one that I managed and kept up and running after her from 2007 - 2013, has been archived by the U.S. National Archives. Anyone can attempt to access that old archive, but not all the features work. The site has not been online since boi Gwen bought it back from me. Hopefully the new owners will get it back up someday. Either way, the U.S. keeps track of all websites, so enjoy what you can find!
"History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
I have a complete collection of Honcho, and I am always happy to help people that are seeking old articles, stories, artists, and other information. Please try to have an issue number, titles, or artist names. That will make my digging faster for you.
"The past actually happened but history is only what someone wrote down."
- A. Whitney Brow
I have a complete collection of Drummers, some H.E.L.P's, some News Rags, and all the Tough Customer as well as special issues. I am always happy to help people that are seeking old articles, stories, artists, and other information. Please try to have an issue number, titles, or artist names. That will make my digging faster for you.
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