Activism - The leatherboy Handbook

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This page is dedicated to the service and commitment that I have given to the community.
NLA International
  In January of 2006, I joined NLA International as an independent member. In April, at the Annual General Meeting, I threw my hand into the ring to become their youngest President in history. In August of 2006, I officially became their President.
   I would spend the next 4.5 years as President revamping and restructuring the NLA into a more modern organization. In 2010 I became the Wisdom Keeper to the next President, which was Sir Robert Helms. I assisted him during his Presidency to reach his own goals for NLA for another 4 years. I was elected once more to continue as Wisdom Keeper for another 4 years under the next President Canadienne. She would also take a new direction building like Sir Robert on the existing foundations I had previously laid down.
  After 11 years as an Officer and six months as an advisor to the NLA International, I finally stepped down. I plan to write a book on my work within the NLA, but not for many years to come. After all, over a decade of service does require a break. I currently still serve as archivist, advisor, and web person.
“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the musi which he hears, however, measured or far away.”
- Henry David Thoreau
KC boys of Leather
        I was elected as President to the KC boys by default, really. There were only two boys left in the club at the time. One lived in Topeka, boy christian, and the other was boy chuck, who lived in Oklahoma. I communicated with boy christian my desires to revamp and regrow the KC boys when I moved to KC to live with my Daddy Todd. He was accommodating and pleased to work with me on doing this. At that time, boy christian was the President of the KC boys, and together we expanded club membership to include boy harley, puppy, and boy christopher. Our first task was to revamp the bylaws since the KC boys were founded in 2002 and were the second boy club in the nation. They were modeled after the DC boys of leather, which was the first club. I re-wrote the bylaws and expanded them with the help of the other boys. After the bylaws were finished, we began to blanket the city and grew up to almost 14 members within my first year.
       I was elected by the small group of boys after the Bylaws were finished for my work on them and the energy I put into the KC boy’s resurrection. I promised the club when my year as President was over, I would step aside. I had no desire to maintain control, and I wanted the boys to form the club independently. After a couple years as a full member, I returned my club colors as required when leaving a leather club. I then ran for and became the President of NLA International. I have many photos of the boys and documents from our times in my personal archives. This was one of my favorite club experiences.
The KC Boys Presidents:
1. boy Scott (founder)
2. boy Christian (co-founder)
3 boy Vincent
4. boy Alex
5. boy Chad
and so forth...
         These are the KC boys of Leather formal colors made for the KC boys by me. They are solid leather and hung in the Dixie Belle Leather bar in Kansas City, MO. I made them in 2003 while I was president; it was my parting gift as President to the KC boys. The other photo of me at the Dixie Belle was taken by Janet Ryan in KC, Missouri.
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
W.O.O.L.F. (Wichita Org. of Leather & Fetishes)
The WOOLF club was founded in 2002. The idea grew among a collective of about a dozen gay men that commonly spent their time at the local bar in Wichita called "The Link." In August of 2002, I was assisting Cindy Sapp, Heart of America Leatherwoman, with a fundraiser for her title to go to ABW. I also teamed up with one of the owners of The Link to put the fundraiser together. He decided to call the event “Wichita Leather Pride.” Cindy, of course, put me in touch with KCLU (Kansas City Leather University) to invite them down for a weekend of workshops and vending. I did, and they came! After seeing the response from this event, our small collective decided to form our own club. Two years later, Wichita Leather Pride would become WOOLF Camp and the official marker of the WOOLF anniversary.
  Initially, they desired to start a club in Wichita for people interested in leather within the gay community. This, of course, changed at the first initial meeting, which was held in my home in Riverside. The founders were not all gay men; there were two leather dykes in the group as well. One of the leather dykes was Sir Butch, who was the head of a pansexual, but mostly heterosexual group in the Wichita area. Her insight into leather and clubs helped add to the formation of WOOLF since she, unlike the rest of us, had more experience within the community. I have heard some people mistake the WOOLF founders with another gay male-only social club called "The Slut Puppies" (not into puppy play). None of the “The Slut Puppies” members were involved in the formation of WOOLF.
  At the initial planning meeting held in my living room, it was determined the club would be pansexual. We also chose the name, and we also decided where our next meeting would be and divided up the tasks of formation amongst us. From there, WOOLF had two more meetings before the bylaws and elections took place among the founders. The election was held at Jays Lounge downtown. In September 2002, our first task as a club was the first Mr. Kansas and Kansas boy leather contests! The first contest would take place on November 9th, 2002. Once again, KCLU would teach workshops for those who attended, and “The Leather Shop” of KC came to vend! I still have tons of photos of the founders, the meeting notes, contest advertisements, and such that I saved over the years.
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Created by Vince Andrews
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